A couple

Master the Language of Love

June 08, 20242 min read

Learn how to eloquently express love in French with timeless phrases that will captivate your heart and enrich your language skills. Whether you're wooing a loved one or simply indulging in the beauty of French, this is the post for you!

How to...Say I love you

Je t'aime: I love you

Je t'aime fort: I love you heaps.

Literally: I love you strong

Je t'aime beaucoup: I like you very much

Je t'adore: I adore you

Be careful, this expression can be used amongst

friends so don't get the wrong message :)

Je suis fou de toi: I'm crazy about you

Je suis amoureux/se de toi: I'm in love with you

How to...Express your feelings

Tu me manques: I miss you

Tu m'as manqué: I have missed you

J'ai envie de te voir: I feel like seeing you

J'ai hâte de te voir: I look forward to seeing you/ I can't wait to see you

Je pense à toi: Thinking of you

J'ai envie de toi: I want you (sexually)

Je me sens bien (quand je suis) avec toi: I feel good when I am with you

How to...Call your loved one

Mon coeur: My heart

Mon amour: My love

Mon ange: My angel

Mon chéri/Ma chéri(e): My darling

Mon chou: My cabbage

Ma puce: My flee

Trésor: Treasure

Bébé: Baby

How to...Ask your loved one out

Ca te dit de....How about ....

Faire un dîner aux chandelles: having a candlelit dinner

Passer une soirée en amoureux: having a date night (either in or outside)

Faire une sor?e en amoureux: having a date night (outside)

Par?r en vacances: going on holiday

Faire un tour chez mes parents: stopping by at my parents

How to...Talk about your relationship

Je suis en couple: I'm in a relaMonship

Ça a été le coup de foudre: It was love at first sight. Literally: it has been

the blow of lightening

J'ai craqué pour lui/elle: I had a crush on him/her

On file le parfait amour: We have a great relationship. Literally. We run

the perfect love

C’était un coup d'un soir: It was a one night stand. Literally: It was a blow of a night

Want to learn more?

Join us at Cosmopoli’French, an exciting new concept language school designed in an innovative way to promote French culture while helping Francophiles develop excellent communication skills.

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